Thursday 30 April 2020

Train You At Understanding How You Can Improve On Csgo


My way of training is very schematic and as I like to define it, 'Mathematically Correct'. I like to give constructing help to apply outside the hours of coaching. For example, if you need help at aiming, I think it would be a waste of time making you practice aiming for an hour of our coaching session. I also like to subdivide counter strike in three main aspects:
  • AIM:  the essence of counter strike, the action of shooting

  • GAME SENSE: the thinking behind every decision, put yourself in the best position to win
  • COUNTER STRIKE: everything else that characterizes csgo, from strafing to video settings, from economy to view models. Having all of this at optimal will help both aim and game sense.
I am used to play in sport teams and coach in real life a volleyball team. Because of this I find important to respect everyone's limits in fact, myself, I struggle at reaction times. Knowing everyone's weaknesses and strength is fundamental to improve ourselves.


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