Friday 24 April 2020

Create Home Brew Material For Your Dnd Game


Need a custom enemy created for your players? Need a special encounter that will leave your friends wowed?  Do you want your entire campaign to have a certain feel, but are unsure how to approach it? Let me worry about all of that for you! With years of DM experience over several different table-top games I'm here to cut out the hard work for you and provide you official looking home-brewed material for your campaign! Not only do I offer custom designed encounters, but each one is tailored to your campaign and party composition to allow players the greatest form of enjoyment. I've run games from level 1 through level 20 in D&D 5e, and am familiar with D&D 3.5, 4e, as well as Red Markets, Trail of Cthulhu, Eclipse Phase, and Dirty World. So whether you need special stats for a cosmic monster, or you want that set piece encounter against the dragon and its minions, I have you covered! In my campaigns my players have played political intrigue to try and win the trust of nobility, have been sleuths trying to uncover a hidden cult, and have battled against god-like beings from other realities. Make your campaign stand out; message me today!


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