Thursday 29 March 2018

I will try to write you back as soon as it's possible for me. I mostly play in a group up to 4-6 players so you'll play with us together.

I will try to write you back as soon as it's possible for me. I mostly play in a group up to 4-6 players so you'll play with us together.


Me and my group of friends (vary from 2-6 people) will play some Overwatch with you.
We can't promise you to win but we're having a lot of fun and are willing to share it with you.
I myself am a main, but i play other roles like:
-healer (Mercy, Moira, Lucio)
-defender (Widow, Torb, Mei)
-offence (Reaper, Tracer, Soldier, Pharrah)
-tank (Orisa and ofc

We're all flexible with what we'll be playing and will let you play what you want.
We're even able to push the payload AND heal you on time!
(But if you want to spam "i need healing" you are very welcome, we eat memes for breakfast)

If you want to play with us don't feel shy and contact us!







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