Tuesday 31 July 2018

I will watch you play live and give tips as well as analyze the replay after the game

I will watch you play live and give tips as well as analyze the replay after the game


Coaching in League of Legends can be a big shortcut if you are stuck and can't see things improving and I'm here to help.

I've been playing League since season 2 and I have been in Diamond-Master division since Season 3, specializing in Support role.
With this experience I can help you reach your goals in League and put you on the right track. While I mostly play support, I'm still experienced in other roles as well. 

I will help you with:
Mastery and Build setup
Champion pool
Decision making
Game knowledge

Feel free to add me ingame or on Discord before purchasing:
IGN (EuW):  InFreX
Discord:        Infrex#9754







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