Saturday 28 March 2020

Play Overwatch In Xbox One


I'll always be nice with you if you are nice with me >u<

I´am 335 lvl. If you want, I will play around you. You get first choice on what role/hero you want to play. If you want me to be your tank or healer. My favorite characters are:

  • Mercy
  • Mei
  • Tracer
  • Symmetra
  • Junkrat
  • Ana

Always trying to help other people, healing everyone. Loud but friendly. Spend my time playing Overwatch and other shooter games. We can enjoy an unforgettable experience

So feel free to send a message!

This gig is for Xbox One only


Seller's Response:

Fun! Comp! Heals Galore!

Seller's Response:

Nice partner!!! Awesome Reinhard

Seller's Response:

Had fun and rose in SR :)

Seller's Response:

Nice gamer!!!

Seller's Response:

Perfect my son enjoyed playing with you

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