Thursday 27 February 2020

Coach You To Get Master Overwatch Skills


My name is YolbeX3 I played in some ESL teams and won a couple of tournaments.

You have to choose me because I have:

  • high star rating (only 5 star rating)
  • Exceptional customer care
  • Have a low cancellation rate

What do you get for each package?

                Guides  (1 hour)

  • Up-to-date information of each class you like
  • Information about the perfect set-up, aim settings and perfect hardware choice

  • Tips&Tricks for all classes and for all maps

  • Improvement of game knowledge

  • Improvement of tactical thinking
  • Improvement of aim

  • Matching the current meta

               Video Analysis & Coaching (1 Videos+1 hour coaching)
  • I will watch your record

  • List your mistakes and how to get rid off them 
  • Write a guide how to improve your gameplay
  • Personal analysis of your gameplay to evaluate how to exit your "Elo-Hell"
  • 1 Hour personal Coaching


             Complete Package
  • 1 hour Coaching
  • 3 different Video analysis
  • All hero guides+General information

Why choose me?

  • Many satisfied customer on my other gigs

  • Professional
  • Punctual
  • Safe



Gave me what I wanted, I wanted to see what mistake I was making and they did that 10/10


He gave very descriptive reviews of the mistakes I made and opened my mind better to how I should be playing Zen and Moira. Hs also gave detailed information on how I could position more effectivly. I would happily use his services again.


Very good advices and really helpfull


Yolbex3 was amazing with everything. He took the time to accommodate my schedule and reviewed all of my games (even though they were super long!). He answered all of my questions during the vod review and gave me a bunch of extra tips. Definitely will be asking for more coaching in the future.


Absolutely amazimg, learnt so much and was a pleasure playing with the seller :):

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