Monday 24 February 2020

Coach You On League Of Legends



I'm an experienced League of Legends player and my goal here is to help others improve even on the slightest level. My aim is to tell you how everything works. If you want i'll start from the very basics or just jump to improving your already really good skill level. I'll explain waves, objectives, when to pick a fight, back timings, pathing and ganking + gank avoidance and all else you may need to know about. 

The session timings may vary as I don't want to leave a client unsatisfied or confused.

My session will start by first you telling me what role and what champion you prefer to improve at. Then, I'll watch some of your previous matches in order to analyze your playstyle much better.

A overview on champion pool, kda, build, general info. Further we´ll move onto vod review or live coaching through share-screen, i recommend the latter. I will look at the general trend of your play and make you get rid of bad habits. Coaching session will end with tips and tricks of how to train in order to improve and how to get a good routine based game play which is consistent.

Do you have any questions for me?



Great coach, helped me a lot and was very patient! :)


Very nice and quick delivery, gave some nice tips for LoL.


Pretty great person was really nice to me and taught me alot. Highly recommend this person

: :

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