Thursday 27 February 2020

Be Your Expert Fortnite Coach


Hello my name is Cycle and I am a professional Fortnite player for Junior Rogue. I have been playing video games my entire life and I have a year of coaching experience. I started Fortnite in Season 2 and started playing competitive in November 2018. I have placed 6th in the Squad Showdown LAN Tournament against pros like FaZe Megga, RBK Arab, Evade Kariyu, RS Ronaldo, and other notable pro players. Along with placing well in tournaments, I have in depth knowledge on zone mechanics, rotations, material conservation, boxfighting techniques, getting consistent wins in all game modes, getting high kills without dying, getting to champions division in arena, getting noticed by teams, marketing yourself to make gaming into a career, and whatever else you need help with. 

Whether you are a decent player trying to get more wins, a competitive player trying to win some money, or an aspiring pro player, I can help. 


Seller's Response:

Must not buy he’s so bad

Seller's Response:

I am sorry you had a negative experience. Next time be sure to make your order details clear, I can not spend more than 6 hours at a time with a client. Thank you for your review.

Seller's Response:

He was very helpful and studied my gameplay and techniques during a build battle then told me the pros and cons of what I was doing. He gave me ways to improve the bad things then we went into a couple of PUBS and just played. A great time overall and a great teacher if you're looking to get better.


I really needed to show me areas where I can improve in my gamplay. Cycle went above and beyond that! He talked game sense, how to build faster, what I need to work on, and also took me into some games against pros, that I would've never normally got to participate in. He was very friendly, and super professional. I would definitely recommend him to anyone that's wanting to learn more, or improve their gameplay! Would buy again from him.


Extreme good player taught lots of game sense

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