Monday 30 April 2018

I will guarantee you a win in DUO or SQUADS.

I will guarantee you a win in DUO or SQUADS.


Hi, I'm Hans, short for Hansi. I speak fluent English and Danish, and for only 2$ I'll do any accent while we play... Just Kidding. 

In my first package I will play a bunch of games with you and/or your friends. In these games we will not only win, but I'll also let you in on my secret to winning 17/20 times. And, a part of that secret comes with strategic, tactic and pro tips, which of course is included. I will also talk about all weapons and their pros and cons, I have made an Excel ark with info about every gun. 
The best loot spots, cities and routes will also be included. 

The Building Course is a course, where I train you in my intense program, which has been successful not once, not twice, but 3 times already. I guarantee, that you will be able to build faster, better and even while you're asleep, if you fight for it. 

I have a YT Channel for fun, where I make montages for me and my friends. It's called HansiBoy and the profil pic is a pink unicorn, because uknow... U gotta stay fabulous ( ;

And, just to prove, that I'm a pro... I am the current Record Holder of "The Longest Hunting Rifle Kill in Fortnite History" (286m). Evidence: Montage #2







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