Sunday 29 April 2018

I will create up to 5 items or one unique class with up to 4 subclasses

I will create up to 5 items or one unique class with up to 4 subclasses


Have you ever wanted something for your D&D game that the books just don't seem to have? A spear with a fabled history or untapped power? A class that lets you bend time and space? This is your chance! I have 5+ years experience with tabletop gaming and love to homebrew. (I do have personal and professional obligations; I'll do my best to be timely and keep you up to date on the progress)

1 ITEM OR SUBCLASS: For $5 I'll homebrew an Item or subclass for you to use in your campaign. Items usually are completed within one day, subclasses in 2-3.

1 CLASS (WITH 2 SUBCLASSES): for $10, i'll create a custom class complete with two subclasses for use in your campaign. Full classes are a lot more complex and require more attention, revision, and playtesting, so they may take 3-4 weeks to complete.

5 ITEMS OR 1 CLASS(4 SUBCLASSES): for $15 I'll whip up up to 5 custom items or a full class with up to 4 subclasses. Delivery for items is about a week or less, upwards of 30 days for the class and subclasses.

For questions or examples, feel free to message me!







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