Monday, 16 April 2018

I will do anything you dare me to do and post a video

I will do anything you dare me to do and post a video


I need $20. I'm stooping to this level.

Here's a list of 5 worse ways to spend your money according to ABC

1. Invest in something you don't understand: It's often said that financial products are sold, not bought. That means there's a salesperson behind the transaction, pushing a security or insurance policy that the buyer did not go looking for and does not truly understand.

2. Refuse to sell at a profit for tax reasons: Remember when General Electric fetched $57 a share in 2000 or Home Depot stock approach $70 in 1999? I hope you sold some at the time and paid the capital gains taxes if you held in taxable accounts.

3. Use retirement savings to pay off a credit card: I hate debt as much as the next person. But some folks become so obsessed about paying it off that they do the dumbest things like using retirement money to pay off a credit card balance.

5. Borrow for college and then drop out: There's only one thing worse than a college graduate with $100,000 in student-loan debt. And that is a college dropout who owes $100,000 on college loans.

Extra money and I'll share #4 with you.


street303:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

adrianschmitz:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

adrianschmitz:thanks for this fantastic gig

adrianschmitz:great gig

adrianschmitz:thanks good job

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