Sunday, 15 April 2018

I will play with you in pubg and teach you at an advanced level

I will play with you in pubg and teach you at an advanced level


I have 1400 hours in Player Unknowns Battlegrounds and over 300 wins total in game types. Mostly Squads. In either NA/EU/SA servers we will play for at least an hour in Squads/Duos. If you have 2 friends, great! Bring them along. If not, I have a resource of people I can pull from.

If during the hour of play we get bad luck I will extend our time.

(Which isn't likely. I consistently win at a high ELO.)

I will be using a Smurf to make sure we're playing on a even ground.

So, in conclusion,

- At least 1 hour of game time.
- Answer any questions about the game.
- All the ways to give you an edge in the way of the Chicken Dinner.
- Increase your rating/rank is just a bonus
- Feel free to keep me added afterwards so I can answer any questions you might have afterwards.


alfiehealy:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

rgd212:This guy is awesome.

harleymcgew:Good games, very receptive to questions

ethant65:Good games!

slick14:Two chicken dinners in a row to start the gig. Very patient and instructive. Learned a lot.

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